Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Best of Blogs Award

Yes!!! I've been nominated again for an award. This time, it's the Sun Sentinel BOB awards. You can vote once daily for TheTinyJEWELBox until March 1st. I'm so honored to be nominated and the competition is stiff!!

I've put a banner to make voting easier, but you have to register on the Sun Sentinel's site. Here's the link to vote directly. TheTinyJEWELBox is in the Personal category.

Thanks so much!!


  1. congrats and best of luck to ya!

  2. Congratulations for being nominated! I really do hope that you'll win! Good Luck!

  3. Congrats & Good Luck! I voted!!!! :)

  4. Congratulation for being nominated! Good luck and I hope you win.
