Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Family Vacation: This is Gonna Be Good!

My Dad has struck again. He decided that we should do an extended family vacation next year. Extended family? Is he kidding? I have more close family members than most people, and now he wants to extend that?? Seriously? All of us? The babies? The toddlers? The hip hoppers? The old folks? ALL of us? He can't be serious, but he is.

He's thinks that we should all do a cruise next summer. I guess he hasn't considered that some of us don't get along with others of us, and that some of us are not above murder by cruise ship. We put the FUN, in dysFUNctional. And what cruise line would welcome US on their ship? This is gonna be good.

So anywho, Carnival has a new ship coming out, called the Dream. It sets sail this fall. We shall be on it next summer. A gang of us (pun intended). We'll visit ports in Mexico, Belize, and Honduras. I have no idea how the jail systems work in these countries. Oh yeah..this is gonna be good!

I think I'm excited. Especially when the agent told me that a lot of the decisions rested with me. Hmmmm..you mean that I could "accidentally" schedule my own dinner time apart from theirs? And that "Carnival" could make a mistake and put my cabin wayyyyyyy on the other side of the ship? Hmmmm..this may not be so bad after all...

Your comments--priceless!!


  1. Actually, i think i am a little jealous of you. i come from a fairly small family who would never do anything like that. kinda sounds like fun!

  2. Just think, you could easily get lost on the ship to avoid family and claim you lost your way.

    This could be a good thing.

  3. Or book a cruise for yourself on the wrong ship.

  4. Those cruise ships are big so chances are you'll be able duck your "undesirable" relatives. Does Carnival show Judge Mathis 24/7? And if not, does your Dad know this? He may decide that a cruise ship without judge shows may be a deal breaker!

  5. Since I am your sister I get to come along right.

  6. this is toooooo funny......your Dad has a "Dream" and you're implementing it on "the Dream" and you have a "Dream" to be separated but you know you're 'dreaming' sugah. The COORdinator has to be onhand for everything to SUPERvise. So.....dream about how to sneak a invisible 'pusher over the side something".
