Monday, June 29, 2009

Which Fruit Do You Like Best?

Two years ago today, Apple introduced the iPhone. It resulted in what I call, "The Fruit Salad War: Apple vs. Blackberry." Each is vying for consumers to buy their fruit. Two years later, many of us put a piece of fruit up to our ears daily.

I think that there's room for both in the salad. Some folks prefer apples, some blackberries. I actually like them both, but if I was hardpressed--I'd have to go for the berry. My blackberry is an integral part of my life. It's my phone, my calendar, my address book, my camera, my GPS system, my video player, my newspaper, my Twitter, internet, and Facebook(on the go). I probably couldn't function without it.

What about you? How tightly are you and your cell phone connected? Do you use all of the functions of your phone? How do you "get away?"

Your comments--priceless!!


  1. I am so "technologically challenged" (is that a proper phrase?).
    I primarily use my phone to text and to take pictures of the ones I love. I use the phone mostly for business calls and limited use in other instances (I actually don't like to hear the phone ring......which is perhaps an idiosyncracy of mine that most people would not
    I probably need to upgrade my phone to a Blackberry. Most of my friends love their Blackberries and are never shy about telling me why. As far as the internet is concerned, I am paid through Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), and I pay my bills through the same medium. So, yes, I value the internet for the communication ability it affords me and the convenience it offers. This is a great time to be alive.

  2. VERY CLEVER POST!!!!!!!

    Honestly I have an LG Dare... haha I'm more about attitude I guess?? Though as far as quality goes I'd have to go with Apple.

    I just love how everything looks cool plus works too.

    I don't use anything but calling and text usually, to be honest with you, but I must agree with you on the inability to function without it!! However, to get away and have some "ME" time, I either leave my phone at home on purpose and go out or just turn it on silent and keep the screen facing away from me so I'm not tempted to check it 24/7

  3. ACTUALLY, I have the G1, which was rated better than the blackberry or apple! Pffffft!

    But no, really. My boss has an apple and he sometimes asks me to enter names and info and phone numbers for him. I hate that thing! The on screen keyboard is the devil. I think my G1 is the best thing to ever happen to me!

  4. And I totally posted that under my work email account by accident. Oopsies!

  5. Was late to cell phone technology. my friends convinced me to buy one since i travel so much by car. my first one i had to have friends set up for me cuz i didnt have a clue. i've had the phone i have now for 2 yrs and still have not figured out how to get into my voicemail, sorry to all those folks who left messages! I don't think i'll be upgrading at least until i learn to use the features i have, i just found the speaker phone function about a month ago!

  6. I just want cool tech with plenty of features. At the moment I'd vote against the iPhone because you have to be on AT&T (or a hacker) to make it work. Same for the G1, Palm Pre, etc. The Blackberry works for multiple providers and that has value if you want to switch your service.

    All that said, I am leaning toward moving over to the Google (Android) phone world this summer.

  7. lifeisfantastic embrace itJune 29, 2009 at 8:25 PM

    In the morning I leave home with watermelon, banana, apple, blueberries, orange and my Blackberry - I swear I don't leave home without these items in the summer. And the Blackberry is with me every season and for all reasons - it holds all of my "Mission Impossible" files.... and I need them everyday.

  8. I'm into the latest cellphone technologies at all. As long as my cellphone can call 911 I'm fine, but my sister likes to have the latest phone gadgets and is addicted to her "Crackberry" as she likes to call it! She never leaves home without if and texts more than she talks!

  9. I have the Instinct and IMHO, it's the best. I use it for email, texting, twoteing, to watch tv, get news, take pics, play games, pandora, fb, GPS and more. You name it, the phone is capable.

    Because I have nails, I don't need the stylist. My nails are perfect for the touch screen functions. I've checked out the i-phone, but with nails it's just frustrating.

    Hubby, who now has a "Crackberry", used to hate on my phone until he was in the store checking out the newest version, and the touch screen wasn't feeling his touch. I'm glad to report that he's thrilled with his "Crackberry".

  10. Well I am still with the old palm treo loll but i look to go to t-mobile and get the g phne. I have to say that the blackberry has my vote, I phone is cool just alot of glitches I hear.

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