Monday--Day 2 of Daughter's Birthday--most of you know that she's a leap year baby. So on those years that she doesn't have a birthday, she claims both Feb 28 AND March 1 as her birthday. She stretches it over 2 days. So Day 2 bought more birthday cards, cake and cash!
Tuesday--She gets an acceptance letter from her first choice in colleges--Drexel University in Philadelphia. She's over the moon!
Wednesday--TheTinyJEWELBox is named Best Personal Blog in the Sun Sentinel Best of Blogs contest. I was over the moon!
Thursday--She gets an acceptance letter from her second choice in colleges--Clemson University in South Carolina. We're both over the moon!
Today--I'm sitting outside waiting on the postman. I'm hoping that I win the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes and continue the winning streak...
What's happening in your house this week? Your comments--priceless!!

Awesome!! Congrats on the Blog Win and acceptance letters!!!
i finally found the commemt section. I like the new format. Congrats to you and your daughter, now that is a good week!
I spent Monday - Thursday driving from georgia to sacramento ca....2900 in 4 days, not bad! Someone tell my back and legs they will feel better soon :). Spent yesterday all day with mom, she was happy i was here! This morning gonna go to La Bou and buy a mess of croissants and head over to my son's house for breakfast.
may your blessings keep coming!
You should step on as many cracks today, under as many ladders as possible, and absolutely destroy a series of mirrors. It seems like the way things are going nothing could get to you.
Very funny - just got a chance to read this (days later), but glad I did.
Your daughter sounds like one smart girl. I like the two day birthday idea. I have a little niece with a Leap Year birthday. I'll have to suggest this to her mom. Congrats to her on her wonderful week.