Here's the week, so far--

Monday--Day 2 of Daughter's Birthday--most of you know that she's a leap year baby. So on those years that she doesn't have a birthday, she claims both Feb 28 AND March 1 as her birthday. She stretches it over 2 days. So Day 2 bought more birthday cards, cake and cash!

Tuesday--She gets an acceptance letter from her first choice in colleges--Drexel University in Philadelphia. She's over the moon!

Wednesday--TheTinyJEWELBox is named Best Personal Blog in the Sun Sentinel Best of Blogs contest. I was over the moon!

Thursday--She gets an acceptance letter from her second choice in colleges--Clemson University in South Carolina. We're both over the moon!

Today--I'm sitting outside waiting on the postman. I'm hoping that I win the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes and continue the winning streak...

What's happening in your house this week? Your comments--priceless!!

5 Responses
  1. Dren Says:

    Awesome!! Congrats on the Blog Win and acceptance letters!!!

  2. catladysd Says:

    i finally found the commemt section. I like the new format. Congrats to you and your daughter, now that is a good week!

    I spent Monday - Thursday driving from georgia to sacramento ca....2900 in 4 days, not bad! Someone tell my back and legs they will feel better soon :). Spent yesterday all day with mom, she was happy i was here! This morning gonna go to La Bou and buy a mess of croissants and head over to my son's house for breakfast.

    may your blessings keep coming!

  3. ZFrancis Says:

    You should step on as many cracks today, under as many ladders as possible, and absolutely destroy a series of mirrors. It seems like the way things are going nothing could get to you.

  4. Gina Says:

    Very funny - just got a chance to read this (days later), but glad I did.

  5. Your daughter sounds like one smart girl. I like the two day birthday idea. I have a little niece with a Leap Year birthday. I'll have to suggest this to her mom. Congrats to her on her wonderful week.

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