Of course, I've heard that one Tuesday of the year (Today), IHOP gives a short stack of pancakes to anyone that enters. They've been doing it since 2006. The idea is that they will give you the pancakes, with hopes that you will make a donation to The Childrens Miracle Network.

While IHOP has been doing it only a few years, my Granny celebrated Pancake Day on Shrove Tuesday from as far back as I can remember. She would start mentioning it weeks in advance--Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. It would start a frenzy of questions, since children have a warped since of time. Telling us "next week" may as well have been telling us "next year."

Finally, when Pancake Day would arrive, she would make pancakes by the thousand--well that's what it seemed. She would have many different bottles of syrup--Granny always made you feel like you had choices. We would eat pancakes for hours. Fun times. Sharing a meal with multiple generations of extended family and friends. Such memories.

I will think of her often today. What I wouldn't give to see her just once more..

Your thoughts--priceless!!

By the way, I'm still in first place in the Sun Sentinel's Best of Blogs contest. If you haven't voted today, here's the link. Also, the Awards Ceremony is next Wednesday night. They ask that nominees bring family and friends to support them. If you are interested in attending, here's that link as well.
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Remember that really cool Disney Interactive event for bloggers that I went to? Well, the same folks that put it together have contacted me again for another cool event. This time I'll be "Taking a Ride on the Wild Side with Chevy."

Chevy has partnered with Lion Country Safari to reach out to bloggers. They will furnish a new Chevy for my family to take a 90 minute trip through Lion Country Safari. This is a cool way to take a test drive, huh? They are even providing Panera Bread boxed lunches for the adventure.

This will all happen next Friday, so look for my post about it next weekend. My husband and kids are excited. I am too--I haven't been to Lion Country Safari since I was a kid. I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures and videos to share!

Your comments--priceless!!!

The world is abuzz with anticipation this morning. They are anxiously awaiting Tiger Woods to read a prepared statement and head back to rehab. We are full of questions--Will the wife show up? Is Tiger golfing next week? Will he apologize?

Am I the only one who won't be glued to the screen? Am I the only one who doesn't care in the least about his statement? Let's put this thing into perspective--Tiger didn't cheat on US. Tiger didn't cheat WITH us. Therefore, Tiger doesn't owe US anything.

We seem to have a weird sense of entitlement when it comes to celebrities. We think that we should be privy to every detail of their lives. Why? Why? Tiger is an athlete. We watch him on television. We may choose to see him golf in person. But, after the clubs are put away, what more does he owe us? What does his offense have to do with golf? What part of it affected his fans? Why is he not entitled to a personal life? Is anyone available to take me to lunch at 11am est today?

Your comments--priceless!!

By the way, don't forget to vote for me in the Sun Sentinel's Best of Blogs awards. I'm currently in second place in the Personal category. Here's the link. You can vote once per day until March 1st.
Yes!!! I've been nominated again for an award. This time, it's the Sun Sentinel BOB awards. You can vote once daily for TheTinyJEWELBox until March 1st. I'm so honored to be nominated and the competition is stiff!!

I've put a banner to make voting easier, but you have to register on the Sun Sentinel's site. Here's the link to vote directly. TheTinyJEWELBox is in the Personal category.

Thanks so much!!

The past couple weeks have been a blur. What an experience! I've done more in the past week than I thought was humanly possible. I've also learned a few lessons:

  • I don't do well on just a few hours sleep
  • I'm quite good at elbowing for position on red carpets
  • If you haven't eaten in 12 hours, Chile Limon Flavored Cheetos taste amazing
  • Stilettos are over rated
  • $55 for Friday night parking on South Beach doesn't include valet--only park and lock
  • Cj Jeans by Cookie Johnson are my new favorite thing
  • Super Bowl Week swag is the same as anytime else
  • Interstate 95 Road Rangers really do exist
  • Your car really won't run out of gas when the "miles to empty" meter reaches 0
  • Kim Kardashian really is gorgeous
  • Prescriptives 24 Hour Longwear Mascara will last for 26 hours
  • a $10mill home on Miami Beach will only get you 8 bedrooms and 10 baths
  • Wendy's Bacon & Blue burger is my next new favorite thing
  • Always have an extra SD card on hand

That's all that I can think of now. What did you learn this week?

Your comments--priceless!!

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