After wandering around, I finally found Alice. She was mingling with a group of women, near a table decorated festively. I recognized a few women, but didn't know most.
Finally, I figured out why Alice was so vague in telling me about the luncheon. To her, it simply wasn't a big deal. This group of women has been meeting for years. They were all ages, colors, professions, etc. They meet informally a few times a year and invite others into their circle. There was Melanie, who runs the premiere social website in Miami. There was also Sonia, who, 15 years ago, established the Miami arm of Suited for Success. There was a real estate professional sitting next to a housewife and a jewelry designer, next to a socialite. Very diverse group. And I had a ball. It was about networking and sharing. The afternoon was filled with laughter and giggling. There were little trinkets for each chica. We ate, drank and had a good time.
This is what life is all about--exchanging ideas, networking, helping each other. I'm so glad that I was invited into this fellowship. I can't wait to see them again!
Your comments--priceless!!