A week ago today, Pastor Bob Coy of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, delivered an awesome message to me. I've thought about it every day since then. It was about holiday gifts. He spoke about how stressed we allow ourselves to become during this season. He mentioned how odd it was that we would spend Thanksgiving giving thanks, then get up early for shopping on Friday--buying gifts for those who really didn't need them.

I agree. We are in a different time. Our economy is in dire straits. Many are underemployed, many unemployed. Entire cities and states are hurting. Yet, even with all of this going on, we are STILL in better shape than most of the world. Have you thought about that? There are folks around the world living in such dispair that they would give their life for the mere chance of making it to America.

Should we really be stressed about gifts? Seriously? Let's give of ourselves. Let's help others. Let's look at our lives and be TRULY thankful for those spiritual gifts that we all have been granted. Then let's look at how we can help others. It doesn't have to be a huge effort. It doesn't even have to cost you a dime. Even those without money have spiritual gifts that can be shared. If you don't have money or time, can you spare a kind word to someone in turmoil?

I'm convinced that each life has a purpose. What's yours? What can you give of yourself? What gift has God given you that you can share with others?

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Last night, out of the blue, I got an email from brand new FOJ Aymee of PainePR in Los Angeles. She's been reading TheTinyJEWELBox (Who knew??). She invited me to a very cool event next week. I'm sooo excited about it. However, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to publicize it, so I'll wait--it's only a few days away..

She DID say that I'm allowed to bring a laptop, so I'll be tweeting LIVE from the event. I think it's going to be fun. In fact, when I told Husband about it, he asked if he could go too!

So Wednesday is sounding like it's going to be a busy day. I have THAT event in the morning, then I have an
Examiner event to cover, followed by an author's lunch that I planned to share on TheTinyJEWELBox, a party thrown by Swarovski Crystals, and finally a family thing--the high school magnet fair--Dear Son is going to high school next year and it's time to apply.

I also got a very cool product in the mail yesterday, to review for
ThingsinPink. Look for that to post by the end of the week. I'm busy busy BUSY---and for that I'm very thankful. but what about you? How was your Thanksgiving? What are you most thankful for? What's new in your life?

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Isn't it funny how things can actually be very different from how they appear?? Have you ever noticed that?

Lately, I've noticed people who have a distorted view of themselves. Makes me wonder if they are looking in a fun house mirror. You know, one of those distorted ones. Makes things look way different than they really are. While they think they look smart, hip, and witty, others see them as bitter, jealous, and not so smart.

Is it true that folks buy those weird mirrors just so that they don't have to see their true selves? Wow, that's deep. I'm glad that I can truly say, I know who I am. I recognize my faults and I hold myself accountable for my own actions and decisions.

What about you? Are you looking at yourself in a funhouse mirror? Are you looking at the world through rose colored glasses? Why? Please realize that regardless of what YOU see--others see the real you. You are only fooling you.

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Ok, so why is it that when I arrive up to the Drive Through Window of certain, nameless fast food restaurants, I have to ask for napkins? And even then, they give me 1. Not 1 per item, or 1 per sandwich, or even 1 per occupant in the car, just ONE. A single napkin. You have to beg to get more.

Why is that? Are napkins really that expensive? And if they are, will we soon be charged for them, much like the airlines charge for baggage? So I'll drive up and say, "Give me a Mega Burger with extra cheese, no onions, and please put the mustard on the side. I'll also have a Super Size fries, a Medium Diet Grape Faygo and 3 napkins....Wait, make that 4 napkins...Wait..Can I get 3 napkins and a paper towel? Thanks, that's it. WAIT...How much are straws???"

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Heyyyy!!!! I sure missed you guys!!! But it was a crazy week and I'm not sure I could have gotten thorough it, had I had to have written blog posts.

I did a LOT of things this week--I spent the day with Terribly Girly Photography on Tuesday. I visited with the cast of New Moon AND went to the LUCA LUCA trunk show on Wednesday. On Thursday, I was introduced to the MOST AMAZING hair salon in the world (I'm writing about it next week). Then on Thursday night, I met the great fashion designer, Trina Turk. On Friday, I wrote what feels like a million articles for Examiner. You can read them here.

Also, last week, I was notified by the good folks at Working Divas Network that I was chosen as their very first Blog of the Week. Wow, life is good!

I'm honored that Working Divas Network would recognize lil ole me in such a great way, but I am truly a WORKING diva. My blog ventures through both my personal and professional life, as they are so intertwined.

This week shouldn't be as bad as last week, so expect a few posts.

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So, as many of you know. I've been in a serious rut. My blog words no longer seem to flow as easily as they once did. I lost my MOJO! I was so overwhelmed and actually felt paralyzed, unable to move forward.

Well, I had a very frank discussion last night with a good friend. We talked about my rut, my goals, my fears, and my plan. We talked about the things I am doing right, as well as the things I haven't done so well.

It was actually therapeutic. It was also humbling to have someone, whose opinion I value, take an honest interest in me and my plan. She was able to show me things that I have never seen before, and help me to formulate a strategy. I feel blessed. That's the GOOD news.

The BAD news is this--while I committed to writing my 2 blogs daily, most days I don't feel good about what I've written. More often than not, it seems to be fluff with no substance. I've decided that on the days that I really don't have anything to say, I simply won't write. So, rather tha a daily blog, TheTinyJEWELBox may become a 5 times a week blog, and sometimes a 3 day a week blog, and I'm sure they'll be weeks that there's only 1 post.

I'm not dropping the blog. Oh heavens no!!! In fact, I'm looking at completely redesigning it to incorporate more of my interests. What it does mean is that when I do write, it'll be straight from the heart. And of course, I'm still writing for Examiner.com. Please subscribe to my page there. And I'm always available through email at TheTinyJEWELBox@gmail.com. I'd love to hear from you!

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One of the things that I miss most about my hometown of Washington, DC is the overabundance of greasy spoon restaurants. I believe that you get the best in local eats from these kinds of places. Now, don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with fine dining, but why go to unfamiliar territory without experiencing it the way the locals do.

When my friends travel to my hometown, I tell them to hit Ben's Chili Bowl for a chili half smoke, as well as Horace & Dicky's for a fish sandwich unlike any you've ever had before, and Booeymonger for a Patty Hearst sandwich. And when I go to visit, these are the kinds of experiences that I want to have as well.

What about you? Do you stay on the tourist beat, or do you get down and dirty with the residents? Tell me about your favorite "Greasy Spoon."

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I'm in a rut. I need help. I can't seem to focus. I'm easily distracted. I'm not getting things done. What is the problem??

I've been overwhelmed since Thursday when I had so much to do that I couldn't even figure out where to start. Well, guess what? I didn't do any of it. At all. What is the problem?

Now, it's Sunday morning. I'm still overwhelmed. I haven't done any of those tasks and have a full week planned. What is the problem?

When you are overwhelmed like this, how do you get out of it? What helps? What hurts? HELP ME!

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My thoughts and prayers go out to the Fort Hood family. There are no words for this tragedy. It puts me in the mind of 9/11. Some things are unthinkable on US soil.

Let's not forget, though, that our military and their families go through this kind of tragedy and uncertainty daily. God bless those who are prepared to give theirs lives to protect our way of life.

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Ok, so here's a question. How many strikes do you give a person before they're struck out? I mean really...And let me clarify, I don't mean a relationship necessarily. It could be a co-worker, a neighbor, a longtime friend. When someone does you wrong, do they get another chance? How many? Why?

This is an area that I struggle with. I tend to give one strike. It's way hard for me to turn the other cheek. Like Maya Angelou said, "When people show you who they are, BELIEVE them." You simply don't get multiple chances to hurt, embarass, or plain ole "show out" on me. Am I wrong for this?

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Remember that old television show, Touched by an Angel? Where angels walked on earth, completely undetected? Do you believe in the such?

I do. I believe that there are angels on earth, sent to do very specific things. I've had many experiences where, on hindsight, I believe that I interacted with an angel. A perfect stranger who just seemed to be in the right place, at precisely the right time, and kept me out of harm's way.

Have you ever had such an experience? Do you even believe in the concept of angels? Tell me about it...

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So, yesterday I saw good ole Doctor Hematologist! And the good ole Doc saw me too! And there was good news--The Iron Infusions are over!!!!

No more twice weekly bags of iv iron. Nope. I'm done. Well, at least for the time being. While I do have to go get my iron levels checked periodically, I am not scheduled to SEE the doctor for a year. A year. A YEAR! YAY!!!!

This means that I have to keep my iron up. Like Malcolm X said, "By any means necessary." Or, I'm back to the drawing board. And me NO LIKEY the drawing board!!

And, I am pleased to report that I completely forgot to go downstairs in the medical building and get a Coke. Completely forgot! But I did stop on the way home and got a yummy Thai iced tea. Me and caffeine were separated, but we have reconciled our differences and the relationship is back on! I LOVE caffeine.

In all seriousness though, I will sorely miss my doctor and his staff. They are WONDERFUL! As I've said before, I have no idea how he assembled such a group. But I promised to stop in periodically and say "hi."

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The Michael Jackson flick, This is It, is now the highest grossing concert film of all time. It chronicles his last days of life. It was originally supposed to run for 2 weeks, but has been extended through Thanksgiving weekend.

Many of my friends have seen it and say it's incredible. I have no desire. Maybe I'll catch it on cable. Of course, I was a huge MJ fan as a child, but as a teen or adult, I never bought a single record or CD of his. I was saddened at his death, but I didn't go into mourning, nor was I shocked.

Did you see it? Do you plan to? Are you MJ's number 1 fan?

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Today is my anniversary. And while thinking about it this morning, I came up with what I will call "The Essential Core of Relationships."

It doesn't necessarily mean marriage, but rather any relationship--friends, employers/employees, co-workers, neighbors, teacher/student, etc. For me, the essential core of ANY relationship is respect.

We have to respect the wishes of others, the beliefs of others, the morals and standards of others. We have to respect their opionions, their choices, and their actions. Without mutual respect, there is NO relationship.

Do you agree? If not, tell me what the essential core is...

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