Last night, out of the blue, I got an email from brand new FOJ Aymee of PainePR in Los Angeles. She's been reading TheTinyJEWELBox (Who knew??). She invited me to a very cool event next week. I'm sooo excited about it. However, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to publicize it, so I'll wait--it's only a few days away..

She DID say that I'm allowed to bring a laptop, so I'll be tweeting LIVE from the event. I think it's going to be fun. In fact, when I told Husband about it, he asked if he could go too!

So Wednesday is sounding like it's going to be a busy day. I have THAT event in the morning, then I have an
Examiner event to cover, followed by an author's lunch that I planned to share on TheTinyJEWELBox, a party thrown by Swarovski Crystals, and finally a family thing--the high school magnet fair--Dear Son is going to high school next year and it's time to apply.

I also got a very cool product in the mail yesterday, to review for
ThingsinPink. Look for that to post by the end of the week. I'm busy busy BUSY---and for that I'm very thankful. but what about you? How was your Thanksgiving? What are you most thankful for? What's new in your life?

Your comments--priceless!!

So that you don't miss any of my randomness, you might want to subscribe by email.
1 Response
  1. Unknown Says:

    So you came to LA & didn't tell me!!?? :(

    Love you & your blog, Jewel! Tally Ho!


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