Heyyyy!!!! I sure missed you guys!!! But it was a crazy week and I'm not sure I could have gotten thorough it, had I had to have written blog posts.

I did a LOT of things this week--I spent the day with Terribly Girly Photography on Tuesday. I visited with the cast of New Moon AND went to the LUCA LUCA trunk show on Wednesday. On Thursday, I was introduced to the MOST AMAZING hair salon in the world (I'm writing about it next week). Then on Thursday night, I met the great fashion designer, Trina Turk. On Friday, I wrote what feels like a million articles for Examiner. You can read them here.

Also, last week, I was notified by the good folks at Working Divas Network that I was chosen as their very first Blog of the Week. Wow, life is good!

I'm honored that Working Divas Network would recognize lil ole me in such a great way, but I am truly a WORKING diva. My blog ventures through both my personal and professional life, as they are so intertwined.

This week shouldn't be as bad as last week, so expect a few posts.

Your comments--priceless!!

I post daily. So that you don't miss any of my randomness, you might want to subscribe by email.
6 Responses

  1. catladysd Says:

    Congrats to you.

    Whew you made me tired just reading about everything you did!

  2. Bonhomie Says:

    Congrats on the award! Your blog is wonderful!

  3. dellgirl Says:

    Congratulations on the award. Sounds like you had a great time. I had fun just reading it.

  4. Holly Says:

    What a fabulous week! I'm so jealous you met Trina Turk!

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