So, yesterday I saw good ole Doctor Hematologist! And the good ole Doc saw me too! And there was good news--The Iron Infusions are over!!!!

No more twice weekly bags of iv iron. Nope. I'm done. Well, at least for the time being. While I do have to go get my iron levels checked periodically, I am not scheduled to SEE the doctor for a year. A year. A YEAR! YAY!!!!

This means that I have to keep my iron up. Like Malcolm X said, "By any means necessary." Or, I'm back to the drawing board. And me NO LIKEY the drawing board!!

And, I am pleased to report that I completely forgot to go downstairs in the medical building and get a Coke. Completely forgot! But I did stop on the way home and got a yummy Thai iced tea. Me and caffeine were separated, but we have reconciled our differences and the relationship is back on! I LOVE caffeine.

In all seriousness though, I will sorely miss my doctor and his staff. They are WONDERFUL! As I've said before, I have no idea how he assembled such a group. But I promised to stop in periodically and say "hi."

Your comments--priceless!!

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5 Responses
  1. Itiel Says:

    Congrats! Here's to your health!

  2. Unknown Says:

    Yay! That is great news. I am glad your infusions are over. I pray your iron levels will stay up!

  3. Unknown Says:

    Congrats! I know it has been a long, hard battle, but you WON! Now stay on track and keep close watch of those iron levels so you don't have to go back, EXCEPT to visit and say hello.

  4. catladysd Says:

    Three cheers to improved health! Drinking a caffeine laden diet cherry pepsi in your honor as i type!

  5. nursetuck Says:

    yaaayyy good for u! now now caffeine in moderation

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