Well, I had a very frank discussion last night with a good friend. We talked about my rut, my goals, my fears, and my plan. We talked about the things I am doing right, as well as the things I haven't done so well.
It was actually therapeutic. It was also humbling to have someone, whose opinion I value, take an honest interest in me and my plan. She was able to show me things that I have never seen before, and help me to formulate a strategy. I feel blessed. That's the GOOD news.
The BAD news is this--while I committed to writing my 2 blogs daily, most days I don't feel good about what I've written. More often than not, it seems to be fluff with no substance. I've decided that on the days that I really don't have anything to say, I simply won't write. So, rather tha a daily blog, TheTinyJEWELBox may become a 5 times a week blog, and sometimes a 3 day a week blog, and I'm sure they'll be weeks that there's only 1 post.
I'm not dropping the blog. Oh heavens no!!! In fact, I'm looking at completely redesigning it to incorporate more of my interests. What it does mean is that when I do write, it'll be straight from the heart. And of course, I'm still writing for Examiner.com. Please subscribe to my page there. And I'm always available through email at TheTinyJEWELBox@gmail.com. I'd love to hear from you!
Your comments--priceless!!

I post daily. So that you don't miss any of my randomness, you might want to subscribe by email.
I will look forward to the days you do blog. I don't blame some days we have nothing to share. As always I think you are incredible and enjoy reading what you have to say. Luv ya Sis!
You have to do what's best for you. Quality over quantity is perfectly appropriate. If it's not on your heart to share something then don't. Be good to yourself.
I truly enjoy your blog jewel, but on days that it seems a chore rather than an activity you enjoy better to take a break than become overwhelmed. We are often way to hard on ourselves and expect more of ourselves than we would of others. Looking forward to enjoying your take on things in the future, thanks for being a part of my life!
Take care of you. You'll be more productive that way.
Amen, amen, and AMEN! I never understood how you did it daily, but sure admired you for it. I admire you more for realizing what you need to do. High five to ya!
Thank God for your friend speaking the truth.