The year was 1981. I was 17. It was the summer after my high school graduation. I was starry eyed and had NO idea what life was all about.
I had watched the courtship of Diana Spencer and Prince Charles on television with bated breath (no internet, LOL). Finally it all culminated in a gorgeous wedding. I thought that I would never again in life see anything so beautiful. It was a fairytale and she was becoming a princess. I copied her hair. I tried, badly, to fake a British accent. I was a huge fan of Lady Di and my heart broke for her sons when she passed away so tragically.
But, it was on this day, 28 years ago, when the wedding took place. Do you remember it? Were you into all the hoopla like I was? Were you a fan or foe?
Your comments--priceless!!

Today marks the 19th anniversary of then President George H W Bush signing the ADA. It's the law that protects individuals with physical or mental impairments. It protects them in the areas of Employment, Public Entities & Public Transportation, Public Accommodations, and Telecommunications, among others. It prevents discrimination.
What does it say about society when we need laws to protect the least of us?
Your comments--priceless!!

So, it's been a week. A week of dominating the news. A week of dominating conversation. A week that the snowball has been rolling downhill.
I've been asked my thoughts. Since I was not there, I will be general--
If my neighbor saw folks(of any color) fiddling around at my back door, I would want her to call the police.
If the officer arrived and asked me for proof of residency, I would think that it was a reasonable request and comply.
If the officer then wanted me to step outside, in order to check my home, to be certain that I was not under duress, I would again think that it was reasonable and comply.
If I were POTUS, I would not have used the word "stupidly."
I do not think it is a good idea to have bad blood with the folks that would be "first responders" to my home.
I do think there is enough blame to go around.
That is all.
Your comments--priceless!!
Please let me introduce Shelby M Hill, a professional relationship coach and also an FOJ (Friend of Jewel). He coaches women regarding dating, relationship and social barriers. Interesting work, huh?
After watching women in his life experience unfulfilled, volatile, and dysfunctional relationships, he decided that he wanted to educate women about men--in addition to educating them on loving and working on themselves, rather than expecting a man to do it for them. He's challenged with making his clients understand that by investing in themselves, they can change the outcome of their personal situations.
One of the things that I love about Shelby is his unconditional and unabashed adoration for his wife, British. His blog, called My Life With My Wife, is a glimpse inside their relationship and never fails to make me smile. His honest accounts of those little "situations" that all marriages experience have given me great insight into the "husband's" point of view. He calls British his best friend, business partner, lover and confidante. When he even thinks of her, he beams--and I find it quite refreshing!
Shelby has extended an invitation to my readers to friend him on Facebook (Shelby M Hill), follow him on Twitter(@shelbymhill), comment on his blog, and visit his website. He also offers complimentary coaching sessions. Contact him via email at shelby@shelbymhill.com for more information.
I asked Shelby about his plans for the future and I wasn't surprised to find that they include writing books, hosting teleseminars and speaking engagements. And of course, British.
Your comments--priceless!!
FOJ Friday,

My grandmother used to say, "If you don't know how to shift gears, you don't know how to drive. You only know how to steer." So I learned to drive by shifting. But now, it seems that it's a lost art. Hardly anyone shifts gears these days, do they?
It's so much easier to just slip it into drive and go, especially if you want to talk on the phone, text, eat a sammich, put on mascara and do a crossword puzzle while driving. But there's also something very sexy about shifting. (Shoot, at my age, just breathing is sexy sometimes.)
What about you? Do you drive or do you just steer?
Your comments--priceless!!

Is there a "better" place to grow up--city vs country--urban vs rural? I was born in the city--Washington, D of C. There was always someplace to go, someone to see, something to do.
I visited the country often. I spent entire summers in the country. But the whole time that I was there, I longed for the city. Not only was I bored, but I am/was scared of "critters." Not that the country didn't have it's good points. I liked the fresh air, the sound of roosters crowing in the morning, the slower pace. I had never seen cornfields in the city. I would have never seen water pumped from a well in the city. I never tasted North Carolina BBQ until i visited the country.
Instead, I was able to be one of the first riders on DC's subway system. I braved the brutal cold to see Jimmy Carter's inauguration parade. I saw Moses Malone play Urban League basketball the summer before he entered the NBA, straight from high school. I experienced my first musical, Purlie, with Robert Guillaume at the National Theatre.
I'm sure that I missed something by being reared in the big city, but I'm happy with the person that I have become. What about you? Where did you grow up? What are your fondest memories? Did you miss the "other" life?
Your comments--priceless!!
Ok--Here's the question--Who pays for a date? Should the male always pay, no matter what? Should the female offer? What's your take? I'll tell you how I feel.
I think the person who asked should pay. If a woman calls a guy and invites him out to dinner, she should pay for the meal. If he calls her, he should pay for it. But, if I was dating someone regularly, I would have no problem in offering to pay occasionally--I think it's the right thing to do.
Of course, there are those guys that wouldn't let a woman pay, regardless. Those are the guys that are giving Chivalry mouth to mouth. If the guy insisted on paying, I would let him. However, if I asked him out, I would be prepared to pay for the activity.
How do you feel? If you are a woman, would you EVER pay for date? Ever? If yes, under what circumstances? If no, why not?
Your comments--priceless!
According to the fashion magazines, parachute pants are back! I am mortified! This post is to advise my readers this is a style that very few folks can wear. In fact, I can only think of ONE person that can pull this off in 2009. That is MC Hammer. This means that if your name is NOT MC Hammer, do NOT purchase, borrow, wear, or even try on a pair of these pants. This is NOT a cute look.
I've always said that I welcome all readers. But, I promise you--If I find out that you did not heed this warning, you will be forever banished from this site. I'm serious. I can NOT take this, especially with the recent acetaminophen warnings. Should I encounter you on a leisurely stroll through the mall and you have on parachute pants, I will pretend that I don't know you--even if you are my Mama! I am not playing!
Your comments--priceless!