A month ago, when this blog was in the planning stage, I needed help. I knew that I wanted to write a blog. I knew what I wanted to say. I was committed to daily writing. I just didn't know "how to blog." How did i set it up? Would it cost me money? Did I need hosting and all? Etc. Etc.
What did I do? I called my trusted FOJ, Marc, who I knew had a blog years ago. I've known Marc nearly 20 years. We've seen each other grow and change. But we've never been on a date. We've never done anything even remotely romantic. And there's nothing wrong with him, he's cute, he's smart, works hard, etc.
That started me thinking--I have MANY guy friends that I have that platonic thing with--Marc, Drake, Mooney, Kelly,et al. We hang out. We have deep, meaningful conversations. We know wayyy too much about each other's personal business. Yet, I still hear, often, that men and women can NOT be just friends. Am I an anomaly?
And another thing--IF I am an anomaly, then clearly my husband is as well. He has many friends of the opposite sex as well. In fact, many of them call him with their issues and problems, and he helps them figure it out. I don't mind at all. He is very good at solving things.
To me, a friend is a friend, no matter what gender, race, religious affiliation, or sexual orientation. True friendship is such a gem to find, why limit it to only folks of the same sex? Guy friends have given me different perspectives on things. Nobody better to help you interpret the actions of a guy than a guy, right?
There are those that say that there's always one person in the platonic relationship that really wants to be more than friends. Somehow I don't think so. I don't think any of my guy friends are hiding secret desires for me. Maybe my glasses are too rosy, but I just don't see it.
So..AM I an anomaly? Can men and women be "just friends?" Am I fooling myself? Do you have any friends of the opposite sex? Are you secretly harboring romantic feelings towards them? Please share.
Your comments, priceless!