So, I haven't written about the dreaded A word in a while. I guess it's time for an update. Iron deficiency ANEMIA is alive and well in my life. Hasn't gone away--in fact, it seems to be flexing it's muscles.

My wonderful hematologist, who I actually love and hate at the same time, has decided that my rigorous regiment of iron pills is not working. My hemoglobin is still extremely low. He put me on a new regiment. Twice weekly visits to his office to receive IV iron.

I started last week. It's really not that bad, just time consuming. And quite humbling as well. It's a bit hard to whine about going twice weekly for iron when everyone else there is coming for chemo. Yes, I'm truly blessed, as it could be a lot worse. And also, his staff is amazing. They are the most competent and loving group of medical professionals that I've ever encountered.

So anyhow, yesterday I arrived for my iron. I'd already had 2 bags last week, with no complications. I expected to continue the streak yesterday. NOT! Halfway through the bag, I suddenly became very lightheaded and my skin felt tingly all over. I called for the nurse, and discovered that the volume control on my voice had been lowered considerably. The nurses sprang into action. They immediately disconnected the IV and pushed my chair back so that I was reclining. They checked my vitals. The doctor came in and listened to my heart. They started a new IV with Benadryl and I fell off to sleep. I woke up an hour later and they were still monitoring my blood pressure. At this point is was 179/103. Good grief! Soon, though, it became normal and I hung around for yet another hour, just as a precaution. I drove home, ate a bit, and slept through until this morning.

It was quite scary, though I was very calm during the entire episode. They'll probably change me to another brand of IV iron for my next infusion. Aint life grand!

Your comments--priceless!!

5 Responses
  1. Wow.

    I was about to ask if you could do the procedure at home (I had to use IV drugs after one surgery for weeks and weeks and insisted on doing it at home - the hospital ride took it out of me), however, after hearing your reaction, I say it's a blessing to be monitored.

    I guess you'll be bringing a good book or catch up on your magazine reading.

  2. Starfiire58 Says:

    Jewel, forgive me for not following up last week when you found out. My life is spinning but that is no excuse to ignore my friends. I was not ignoring you but trying to deal with my own issues. I pray that this soon turns around for you, and I am thankful that the medical staff reacted quickly to your situation. You have been nothing but an outstanding friend and I just do not want anything to happen to you. Know that you are in my prayers and have been on my mind.

  3. Aw, I'm sorry to hear that you're having to go in and get that done but if it works then that's great!!!!!

  4. Inky Says:

    I have been away from the blog for a minute, but have caught up and read the majority of what I missed. Classic about the passport because guess what the last thing he said to me when leaving? "Jewel's taking me to get my passport today and it shouldn't take that long." On the other note, you stay in my prayers, on my mind and keep your chin up. You are doing great. JEWELBOX READERS--PLEASE KNOW THIS WOMAN IS ONE THE BEST PEOPLE EVER...AND A PERFECT HOST.

  5. blqlvrgrl Says:

    Jewels...I am so thankful that all turned out well. I pray for complete healing in your body. You are a wonderful person and a talented writer. I am blessed to have you as a friend.

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