Please meet FOJ Kevin Carty, Vice President of Sales at Classic Exhibits, out in Portland, Oregon. In my professional life, I've been working with Classic Exhibits for only the last three years, Kevin is celebrating 15 years with Classic. Kevin does something that I find absolutely extraordinary and I want to share it with you.
Back in April 2000, Kevin was diagnosed with Stage 3 Testicular Cancer. Though his family was supportive, he found that his greatest strength and inspiration came from the fellow cancer patients, doctors, and nurses that he was surrounded by, 8 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. They kept him going. A gift from a friend led him to look into the Lance Armstrong Foundation. The LAF not only raises money for cancer research, but also works at keeping the disease in the public, as well as our government's eye and making sure that drug companies don't wrongly capitalize on the sickness.
Kevin started participating in the LIVESTRONG Challenge. This event allows people of all ages to "pick a fight with cancer." You can walk, run, bike, donate, or volunteer. On June 21st, in Seattle, he will bicycle 100 miles, and hopes to raise $25k personally and $50k through his team. He says the ride is HARD! "100 miles HARD, but as he rides, he reminds himself that it is only hard for ONE day, and is nowhere near as hard as chemo treatments." He also hopes to raise enough to earn a trip to Austin, Texas, to ride personally with Lance Armstrong.
As if that were NOT amazing enough, Kevin then gives the trip to a child with cancer, through the Make-a-Wish Foundation, allowing that child to spend the day with Lance. Kevin says, "These kiddos will not likely beat cancer like I did. And if, even for just one day, they can spend a day with someone that they find inspiring, that's one day that they will surely not be focused on their battle with cancer." Let me just say that I am humbled and honored to be a FOK! It's folks like him that remind me that God certainly has a lot more work to do with me..
And, did I mention that the single most important part of the ride for Kevin is the namecards that he wears on his back?? There are names that he collects, and wears "in Honor of" or "in Memory of." I am proud to say that he will be riding this year with the name of my dad, who is a survivor of prostate cancer. If you have loved ones that you would like Kevin to ride with, please email him those names.
We can support Kevin in this by donating to the LAF, by clicking
here. This link will take you directly to his page. You can also contact Kevin at
kevin@classicexhibits.com. And please consider following him on Twitter. His twitter name is @kevin_carty.
Your comments--priceless!!