Every morning, soon after waking, I go outside. I just like being outside. I don't really do anything out there, except look around and check out the scenery. This morning, I took a long, hard look at our lawn. It's pretty dismal.

Between South Florida's water restrictions and the irregular visits of the guy who is supposed to cut our grass, the lawn is yucky. I got to thinking--why is lawn's appearance so important to me? It's not as if everyone's lawn doesn't look the same(except for those elitists that ignore the water restrictions), right? It's not as if I have nothing else to worry about? Why do I have this unnatural concern for the grass?

Are there things in your life that you deem important for no valid reason? What does it mean? Why do you focus on that one, small, insignificant thing?

Your comments-priceless!

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1 Response
  1. Appearance is all about impressions. Nowdays, I do so much remotely, that I do not often see people involved in my work.

    Thus most of the appearance stuff does not matter to me. However, when I am going to see someone, I do get rid of the t-shirt even though it has no effect on how I work. First impressions do matter.

    Get some green paint and a sprayer for your lawn. You will be the envy of the neighborhood!

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