It is only fitting that September, my birth month, is Library Card Sign Up Month. I have been reading all of my life. As a child, the library was one of my favorite places. Didn't really matter what kind of library--Public library, School library--heck, I even spent time at the nearby Walter Reed Medical Library. Don't ask how I got onto Walter Reed's base--that's a post for a different time.

Anyhow, Library Card Sign Up Month has been observed since 1987 and it's the time when public libraries remind parents that a library card is the most important school supply of all. However, in these tough economic times, I would venture to say that an adult library card is a good idea as well. The cards allow you to check out books for no charge and I can get lost in a book for hours at a time.

Do you have a library card? Does it get much use? Why not? Take some time this month to introduce a young person to the public library and be sure to get a card for yourself as well!

Your comments--priceless!!

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5 Responses
  1. I actually don't and have been meaning to get one.

    September is your birthday month? Same with me...when is yours? I'm the 22nd.

  2. I have a library card and used to love renting books.... until life got busy, I moved and lost 2 books. I owe like $60 on my card.

  3. I haven't had one since I was kid. I usually never have time to get there so I order books online.

  4. Thkchk Says:

    Thanks for posting this. Using your library not only helps you but also helps your library. A well used library will have some stats to use when funding time comes around.

  5. catladysd Says:

    I loved the library as a young person and have an active card still! Even in high school the big thing to do was meet your friends at the library in the early evening to do homework then go to bob's big boy for a coke or something afterwards, then dash home to make curfew!

    Books helped me get through the rough times growing up. A perfect day for me includes curling up with a cup of tea and a book and spending some quiet time lost in the pages of my book.

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