On Thursday night, I attended an uber fabulous jewelry trunk show at a local boutique. I covered it for Examiner.com. You can read that story here. But as usual, there's a story behind the story.

Yesterday, I got ready to write the story. I downloaded the pictures and video to my desktop. I logged into the publishing tool and started writing--and the computer CRASHED! It just rebooted itself. I was a bit taken aback, but okay fine--I guess I can live with that.

Windows came back up and just as I got to the Desktop, it rebooted itself again. I think this is where I started to panic a bit. But I tried to remain calm. The pattern started--Desktop/Reboot. After about 5 times, I remembered that I hadn't saved the video to the Flip.

I yelled for my husband. He is always so calm. He said, simply, "Let's take it in." I agreed. Within a half hour, we were in line at Geek Squad inside Best Buy. There a 19 year old genius announced that the computer wasn't working properly. Hmmph..as if I hadn't figured that out. I reminded him that I had stuff in my refrigerator older than him. He said that he thought it could be fixed, but wasn't sure if he could save my data. I walked away.

I walked right over to the new computers. They have all kinds there. Big ones, little ones, black ones, white ones, pink ones... If I wasn't such a brokeaholic, I would have bought a new one. But I am. So I didn't. Boy Genius says it should be ready by Tuesday. All I could think about was FOJ Denise's recent experience with Geek Squad...

Your comments--priceless!!

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3 Responses
  1. Denise Schoeffner Says:

    My experience may be different if they are repairing your computer on site. My laptop had to be sent out for repair and I was told that it was a max of three weeks, but usually took a week and a half. I dropped it off on Aug. 11th and got it back on Sept. 14th and it was a $48 repair. The thing that made me most angry was that from the day I approved the amount for the repair it was eight days before they ordered a part. It takes 8 days to order a part? Not acceptable and I won't use them again. I hope your experience is better than mine.

  2. Having a sick computer is NOT a good thing. I'm sorry to hear your having technical difficulties!

  3. THinking about getting a new wireless N router that comes with a USB port that allows you to plug in a hard drive.

    If the fam saves things to it, we should have safe data even if the computer breaks down. As long as I remember to back up the USB drive every now & then, we have a reliable level of data security.

    Other option is one of these backup deals like carbonite.

    Good luck with data recovery.

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