Chess is not one of those mindless games that you can play with your eyes closed. Chess requires strategy. You have to think 2 moves ahead. You have to anticipate your opponent's next move.

I'm in the middle of a chess game. I have my next few moves planned out. My opponent has underestimated me. He didn't know that this is a timed game. He also didn't know that I learned to play chess as a child. He thinks he's a Knight, he's really a Pawn. But in the end, it's all about the Queen!

Your comments--priceless!!
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4 Responses
  1. LUVA Says:

    Alrighty Queen!!! I see a checkmate and a knock down of the King coming. The rook and the knight down for the count while the pawns idly look on in disbelief! Sink that "battleship" next. Seriously, chess is a game of strategy and patience.

  2. catladysd Says:

    lol like poker but with more skill, and they never knew what hit them. i have not played chess in years but used to enjoy it very much.

  3. cmiles Says:

    Dont you love it when someone underestimates your skills. Keep your guard up, and your game face on.

  4. lifeisfantaztic embrace it Says:

    I can remember when granddaddy got out the checker board you knew it was time for a meeting of the minds. He would always say "think long, think wrong" He'd make a move and say what you going to do now? But when I learned to play chess it was more intense and my opponent better not say anything I was thinking long and I was thinking strategically on my next move. When my husband and I lived overseas (before children) we would have a meeting of the minds with a game of chess. And we learned alot about each other as we strategically attempted to win. And many years later we still have a meeting of the minds with a game of chess.

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