Since I'm so excited about getting an Amazon Kindle, I've decided that this month's giveaway will be a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate. You know the routine, leave a comment on any blogpost between today(Sunday) and next Saturday for 1 entry. Subscribe by email for another entry (If you are already subscribed, you will automatically get an entry). Blog, Tweet, or Facebook about this giveaway, including a link, and you will get a third entry(shoot me an email saying that you've done it). Forward any post to 3 friends and get a 4th entry(copy me on the forward).
Four ways to win!!! Let the competition begin!!! Contest ends at midnight EST on Valentine's night(Feb 14th)and will be announced on the following day's post.
hmm I've been spying that Kindle for some months now. Congrats to you!
I think it'll be a useful tool. As soon as ma purse fills up, I'm going do like the grown-ups and get me one too.
Enjoy your new toy (smiles)
(giggles) I love me some Amazon too
Wow!!!! I'm gonna make sure I post everyday. Amazon is where I order all my books for classes, hahahaa
I love Amazon! I hope I win :)
Shopping!!! Yeaaaaaaa......I love shopping and I love prizes. Hugss Jewel. Thanks for the incentive!
Enjoy your Kindle - I've heard they're a lot of fun.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love a chance to win!
I'd love to be entered. I also subcribed via email. Thanks!!
I could use some new scrapbook supplies and this would be a great way to get them!!!
Wow, I am thrilled for you. I have been wanting a Kindle Reader. I just can afford it right now, I would love the Kindle2. Amazon is great. Thanks
Love to read! Amazon is great.
I could buy my wedding shoes with this!
I drool over the kindle. I can't wait to hear how you like it
I buy things from amazon all the time; I'd love to win this prize. Thanks!
I buy stuff from amazon all of the time; I'd love to win this prize. Thanks!
I love to read!
I'm an email subscriber.
I love Amazon! I could get just about anything with this!!
Uhhh! Kindle! :D I dream of one! Maybe someday... Isn´t amazon the coolest?!
We shop on Amazon all the time. This would be great.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm so jealous of you getting a kindle!
I love, love, love Amazon!
Ooh the Kindle! awesome. I'm drooling over that. I love Amazon!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
You're getting a kindle? Cool!! I love Amazon!!
bunnybx at gmail .c om
Blogged: http://bunnymoney9.blogspot.com/2009/02/dont-miss-out.html
bunnybx at gmail . com
COngrats and enjoy!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I love Amazon..and I love free stuff!! Choose me!
This sounds awesome. I love books!!!
Please enter me in your giveaway.
Thanks for doing this.
This would be great. I've got some birthday shopping to do! Thanks for the chance!
what a great giveaway!
I love Amazon and my birthday is coming up so I'm sure I could come up with something great to order! Thanks for the opportunity!
I've been saving for a Kindle for over a year now. A Kindle would make lugging around all of my textbooks so much easier and lighter on my back! Thanks for the opportunity! Hope you enjoy your Kindle!
Amazon is a great place! Thanks for offering this! It is very generous of you!
"The Tiny Jewel Box" I really like that name! Your first name is Jewel, very pretty!
Congrats on your kindle!
Best to you!
I subscribed to your email.
Thank you!
AMAZON.COM! What a great giveaway! Please enter me! Thanks for hosting this!
Abigail @ Pearls and Diamonds
amazon gift cards are just so great! thanks for the entry! :)
I am a subscriber :)
Oh my! That was generous!
You have a nice blog :-) I have been having some fun here :-) Thank you
I heard Kindles are awesome--enjoy yours! Hopefully I win!
Congrats on getting a Kindle! I've only heard good things about them, so I hope you enjoy it!
~ Popin
Thank you for the chance to win!
I also linked you at http://senalovescandy.blogspot.com/2009/02/sharing-love.html
I subscribe to you.
I subscribed
9_26 at myway dot com
Im leaving a comment on this post for one entry
9_26 at myway dot com
it'd be easy to spend this!!
elkesten at yahoo dot com
Oh gosh, I DO love amazon. please enter me!!!
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
Blogged too!!
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I love Amazon. Please Enter Me.
Amazon is my home away from home. Love it.
I could think of things to get with a $25 gift card... count me in!
Thanks for the giveaway. I love Amazon
I subscribed
The Kindle 2 just came out and looks really nifty. Wish it was in my budget.
I left a comment the other day on your post about friends and forgot to leave my email.
penny.pince (at) gmail (dot) come
Happy Valentine's Day!
I'd like to enter! :)
I've subscribed too!
And now you're in my sidebar on my blogspot :D
Enter me please!
Please enter me!
Yay for Amazon and this giveaway! Thank you. :)
Nessa D.
I've been really thinking about getting an ebook reader lately so I've started saving up for one :D
Great contest, thanks for having it!