Yesterday, at a shopping center in Miami, yet another baby was forgotten in an automobile, and died tragically. The mother worked there and simply drove to work, got out, and never thought of the baby again for 6 hours. The temperature in the car is thought to have gotten up to about 130 degrees. How very tragic...
I'm sure she will never be the same. While the news didn't show her on camera, you could hear her wails of anguish, someplace just off camera. It was heartwrenching.
While some might question this mother's ability to parent, I immediately thought of something else. Suppose the woman was simply sleep deprived, working around the clock to pay her bills. Suppose she's short on rent this month, and consumed with thoughts of homelessness. While I have no idea if this was indeed the case, it is certainly a possibility.
I'm just not sure if I'm in a position to judge her, especially as she plans a funeral for her toddler. I'll reserve judgement until all the facts have come to light.
Your comments--priceless!
We have an analytical thinker in the house. My teenage daughter analyzes everything. She just sits and ponders the mysteries of the world. Last night, she had a revelation. It came to her that Dr Seuss' "Green Eggs & Ham" was not appropriate for small children. She announced her findings to me.
I am used to such proclamations. Before I let her explain, I reminded her that this book is critically acclaimed and one of the best selling children's titles ever. She was not swayed She insisted that this book encourages small children to give in to peer pressure.
According to her, the man in the story did not like green eggs and ham. Sam told him all the ways that he could have it--with a mouse in a house, in a box with a fox, etc. The man was firm in his decision. He did not want to try it. But Sam was relentless. He followed him around until finally the man agreed to try the meal.
My daughter says the man gave in to peer pressure. The green eggs and ham were street drugs--why else would the eggs have been green??? And after tasting the eggs, the man declared that he did, indeed, like green eggs and ham. When he made the announcement, he had a huge grin on his face. She says that this proves that he was high!
Where does she come up with this stuff?? Should I get help for her?
Your comments--priceless!!
There are few things more exciting to me than networking with successful women. Something about being a woman while also doing it big, is inspiring to me. Believe it or not, I have connected with many through Twitter. I have made friends that I wouldn't have any other way. They are available for guidance, mentorship, bouncing new ideas off of, and just idle chat.
So, in honor of Follow Friday, where you recommend folks that you've found helpful on twitter, I'd like to recommend these wonderful chicks--
@frugalista, @erinpatrick, @stacijshelton, @superhussy, @paula_deen, @adrigonzo, @msteenamarie, @smball804, @calinative, @nicoleprexec, @bherrera, @thejstandard, @pamperry, @resoucefulmom, @teaandthee@gina2011, @nicolelewis
Please share with me some of the great folks that you've found on Twitter. I'm always glad to expand the circle!!
Your comments, priceless!!