About 5 years ago, I got a greeting card from a colleague, right around this time of the year. I had never heard of it until then. It was in celebration of March Forth (March 4th) Day, also known as Progress Day. It was created as a day to move forward.

Now THIS is the kind of holiday that I can get into! You are commanded to "take the day off, so that you can take the day on." You should do something that counts as progress. It could be progress in your own life, or extending a hand to someone else.

Of course, in this economy, very few of us can afford to actually take the day off. I certainly understand that, but try to use at least part of the day to reflect on your personal goals and commit to advancement. For me, March is vital to both my personal and professional goals for the year. March Forth is simply a reminder that there is still much to do.

Had you heard of March Forth before now? What do you think of the concept? How will you engage and execute?

Your comments--priceless!
5 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I have a friend who, since 1997 or so, has sent me emails reminding me of my "yearly imperative". We've always chuckled about the pun, but now it's time for me to do something about it...thanks. :)

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Hey Lady! You know, a couple of years ago, I think its been, you turned me on to Jim Ball's Ballgram. I was reading his March Fourth Ballgram and I am really feelin'his sentiments. I have worked hard this year to keep my New Year's Resolutions, and I've been pretty successful. I quit smoking and no longer need the nicoderm patch to maintain, lol. I quite caffeine for the most part, I drink a cup of decaf in the morning, sometimes two, and I don't drink soda anyhow. I got myself back in the gym and am working toward making that trip to the gym on the way home from work second nature. And these are things I am doing for self. I have started making myself more available to keep a kind but firm foot in my daughter's butt in regard to school as I see she was beginning to slack. And through the service commitments I have, I am being of service to people who benefit from hearing my story, who need to know that by the grace of God I have beaten the demons that challenge them today. Much like what Jim Ball said in today's Ballgram--I too, am marching forth to be a better person and parent, to make an even greater effort to reach those people that God puts in my path to minister to and to love, to let my little light shine and to glorify God in all that I do. March Forth! YES! Let's do just that!

  3. cmiles Says:

    March 4th, I like it...I can get with the idea of this, if not the full intent of taking off. I think I can take a little time to reflect on where I am, how far to my goals, and what I have accomplished. The last few weeks have been hectic, however I will keep on keeping on.

  4. Starfiire58 Says:

    This is the first time that March 4th will mean more to me than my 2nd niece's birthday! This day has always been special to me for that reason, however, I will see tomorrow a little differently as I March Fourth with a skip in my step!

  5. Megan Says:

    Thanks for the follow!

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