All of us have responsibilities to others--to our families, to our employers, etc. There's always something on the agenda that needs to be tended to. There's homework to check, a client to see, a dinner to prepare, a meeting to attend. But what do you do that's for you? If you are so busy taking care of everyone else, when you do get to take care of you?

I've found that this is vital to one's mental health. There has to be time, however infrequent, that is set aside for one's self. It doesn't have to be a spa day or an all day fishing charter; it could be a lunch at your favorite bistro or a walk in the park. It's simply a time and place where you can lose yourself for awhile. Even if I take only a few moments, it renews my mind and body and allows me to carry on.

What do you do that's for you? How do you communicate it to others that this time is only for you? How often do you do it? How does it affect your mood and energy level? Is it worth it? I'm very interested...

Your comments--priceless!
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3 Responses
  1. catladysd Says:

    With the kids grown and now retired, i have a lot more "me" time than i used to have. But i remember those frantic days filled with work, kids, hubby, household, etc. etc. I was an early riser and would take a cup of coffee out to the patio with the newspaper b4 everyone woke up and enjoy the early morning air, the birds, etc. My hubby and i always took president's day weekend for us as a couple too, we would go out of town and just relax.

    Even now though i like my alone time, whether i am just here alone for a couple of hours and sit reading a book, or a walk along the beach, or even a bubble bath. it rejuvenates me.

  2. LUVA Says:

    I need me some "ME" time!!!! You are so right.

  3. cmiles Says:

    I take some me time once in a blue moon. Even on weekends its hard to find, I bring work home, because of the high tempo at work, its impossible to do it all at work, and I still have deadlines to meet, on top of personal errands and at home work that can't be avoided. Even vacations are dedicated to family. I need to find 10 min during the day to just concentrate on me, one day soon I hope.

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